Mission Statement: The mission of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce is to aggressively develop and promote an economically vibrant business community.
The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce has developed several programs that help our members succeed. Some programs are designed to directly help members with their day to day operations and marketing efforts. Others act as business advocates and watchdogs; they work to improve the local business environment for the future of all Chamber members.
The programs of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce work for our members in a variety of ways. They Government Relations Council (GRC) acts as a political watchdog and advisor to local and state legislators. The Chamber works to improve the education and quality of the local workforce through programs like the Business Education Alliance (BEA). Environmentally friendly business practices are studied and implemented through the Chamber's Green Team San Joaquin (GTSJ). The future leaders of the Central Valley are being identified and educated through the Chamber's Leadership Stockton program.

Business Education Alliance

Certificates of Origin

Government Relations Council

Green Team San Joaquin