In the early 1990’s the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce started several education-related programs to introduce or prepare students for the workforce. Due to a lack of resources, the timing for such programs prevented the full realization and benefit from partnerships with the education community. In the late 90’s, under the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Chamber staff was directed to research and develop potential educational programs that would directly network the local business community in the preparation of the local workforce. In addition, staff was directed to expand on all existing education programs offered by the Chamber and to explore all funding opportunities available to create the nexus between the business and education communities.The Business Education Alliance (BEA) aims to constantly add value to students’ learning experience by equipping them with the skills to make them sought after employees in the twenty-first century.
BEA is an exciting organization creating futures for all communities in San Joaquin County.In doing this, the BEA has been recognized for its achievements in linking business and education. In 2003 the BEA was recognized by the San Joaquin Council of the CTA/NEA with its highest award, the Golden Apple. Also in 2003, the Western Association of Chamber Executives presented the BEA with the Best New Program award, recognizing programs in eight western states. In 2002, the BEA took home a regional excellence award from the San Joaquin Council of Governments. The BEA continues to strive for excellence and is committed to providing school to career options to the future of San Joaquin County.